We take a supportive and caring environment where we guide our clients towards optimum physical, mental, emotional health.
Our approach is:
Science Driven – integrating the latest scientific research and functional medicine models
Traditional – drawing on the wisdom of traditional medicines
Results Orientated - we track your progress and have an honest and open feedback process
Coherent - we work alongside fertility treatments such as IVF / IUI
Fertility Support
Supporting conception enables couples to improve their own health and influence their genetic material so that they can pass on the best for their future children.
It supports couples to achieve a healthy, natural conception; a healthy pregnancy and natural labour and most importantly a healthy, vibrant, and happy child.
This is achieved through various complementary medicines including nutritional supplementation, dietary modifications, counselling and lifestyle strategies as well drawing wider support from our network of highly skilled health professionals; such as Herbalists, Fitness Instructors, Acupuncturists and Osteopaths.
Our support protocols have been developed in response to the alarming statistics regarding miscarriage, still birth, infertility, increased prematurity whereby environmental pollution, poor nutrient levels in soil and foods, polluted water, toxic farming methods, heavy metal exposure, poor diet, lack of exercise, and many others are all believed to be involved.
Our protocol are specifically designed to help you navigate these everyday stressors which maybe a barrier in your fertility journey.
ART/IVF Support
Nutritional Therapy provides excellent parallel support to couples who may require fertility treatment to help them conceive their much desired child.
Our intention is to work alongside your fertility specialist in a holistic manner to support the healthy conception, pregnancy, birth process and general wellbeing of your child.
Recent research suggest that concurrent naturopathic treatment and IVF more than doubles conception success rates. Communication between your Nutritionist and other health professionals will be encouraged to ensure cohesion between our treatments. This will foster the best possible outcome for all.
Pregnancy, Labour and Breastfeeding
Pregnancy Support
Our protocols are designed to help mothers and their babies during this rapid period of growth and development. Particular focus is placed on the nutritional status of the mother and is modified as the pregnancy progresses. Each trimester has specific nutritional objectives and requirements and has been developed to support the mother and baby. It fosters mutual enjoyment of each of the changes and provides sufficient material to help her baby grow to meet its potential.
We have an extensive pregnancy network of other expert health practitioners to help you with every aspect of your pregnancy journey; private midwives, doulas, birth centres, obstetricians and other pregnancy specialists.
Labour Preparation and Support
Working together to optimise your health, nutritional needs we will support you all the way through your pregnancy to reduce the risk of complications, prepare a plan for your recovery whilst supporting the health and wellbeing of your child.
The Fourth Trimester
Following the delivery of your child a mother can feel depleted and worn out. We therefore provide specific support for this final trimester to help you enjoy this exhilarating and exhausting process. Breastfeeding is a natural process, it is the ideal nutritional and immunological super-food and above all an incredible bonding experience, however this isn't always possible and without judgement we will support you through your unique journey.