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About Consultations: Welcome

About Consultations

A nutritional therapy consultation is an assessment of your health picture. Our support is based on the principle that health and vitality is more than just the absence of disease or symptoms.

We approach you as an individual and consider your whole health picture rather than focusing simply on any condition you may present with, designing your consultation specifically for your individual needs.


Our packages have been put together to cater for more specific needs and offer great value for money. Please see information about our health packages we have on offer. 

What happens before my appointment?


Prior to the consultation you will receive an email outlining how we will be working together, which will include a detailed health questionnaire and food diary for you to complete. The health questions are purposefully detailed, and we ask that they are returned no later than 48 hrs prior to your scheduled appointment. This allows time for your practitioner to be familiar with the information provided which will make a big difference to your consultation and the help your practitioner can give.

What should I expect from my first consultation?

The initial consultation takes place over one hour, and during this time we will discuss your:

- Health goals and concerns

- Medical history and current symptoms

- Lifestyle and dietary picture

- Existing medication and nutritional supplements

- Any relevant bloodwork

This process is suitable for those looking to take preventative measures against ill health who may not have any symptoms, to others who are looking for support with serious health issues. Your therapist will share her expert knowledge and experience with you, so you are empowered to support your route to wellbeing. These discussions will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of your body’s nutritional status and how to support balance within the body by the diet and lifestyle choices you make.

Your practitioner may also make suggestion of functional or nutritional health tests via your GP which they feel would be of benefit to you. These tests may require a sample of urine, hair, saliva, blood or your stools. We only work with reputable well-established laboratories within the industry. Some of these tests may require you to visit a private phlebotomist or another laboratory but many can be easily conducted from the comfort of your home.

What happens after the consultation?

You will be sent an individualised nutritional plan within 3-4 working days of your consultation, which you will be able to start incorporating the recommended diet and lifestyle changes right away. The nutritional plan will take into account your practical, financial and personal considerations so that you feel confident in achieving all elements of the plan.

The initial consultation fee also includes a 15 minute follow up call should you have any queries or questions.


Nutritional or Functional Tests


The plan will also detail ordering information for any tests your practitioner may have recommended to you during the consultation. The testing kits come with comprehensive instructions on how to complete and return the samples to the laboratories.

Targeted Nutraceuticals

You will also receive a personalised supplement programme should your practitioner feel this would be supportive in achieving your specific health goals. The supplement companies we work with are rigorously reviewed -  they must be; pure, effective and bioavailable in order to meet the exacting standards we have for our clients.

Follow up consultations

For follow-up consultations we usually recommend 30 minutes, but if you feel an hour would be more suitable for your individual needs then this can be accommodated.  


During the consultation you will have the opportunity to discuss your:


- Successes and challenges

- Any changes you are experiencing

- Health goals and concerns

- Results of any Functional Testing / GP test results

After the consultation within 3-4 working days you will receive an updated nutritional plan detailing any recommended adjustments to diet and lifestyle, targeted nutraceuticals, and functional testing.


How many consultations will I need?

This varies depending on each individual client’s health and wellbeing goals. We recommend that every client should have a follow up appointment within 4 weeks of the initial consultation & we then generally recommend another consultation 6-8 weeks later. Should we feel that further consultations would be of benefit to you, your practitioner will discuss this with you and mutually agree timescales for future reviews.

Clients also find that their health goals change over this time and further sessions are supportive in this. Several sessions are often required to take the step by step process that Nutritional therapy is, in order to work towards an end goal.

We believe however that our clients should be empowered to support and own their long-term health goals, so we aim to give you the necessary tools to be able to do this.

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